If you can dream it, you can do it!
I truly believe you can achieve your goals! I am here to assist you in this.

Building your own support team is not a sign of weakness! It takes courage to make a change. You definitely have it!

What is coaching?

Put simply, coaching is a developmental process where the coach provides support and feedback to an individual or a group in order to help them achieve their goals, improve their skills, and enhance their performance. It is a collaborative and empowering relationship where the coach facilitates self-discovery, encourages self-reflection, and helps the coachee unlock their full potential. The ultimate goal of coaching is to enable individuals and teams to reach their desired outcomes and excel in their chosen areas.

You can find more information about me here

When would you benefit from a coaching session?

  • you want to evaluate where you currently are on your growth path, where you want to go, and how to do it;
  • you want to achieve your goals, but you are feeling stuck;
  • you want to deal with changes in your life, or on the contrary - to start implementing them;
  • you want to boost your confidence; 
  • you want to improve your awareness; 
  • you want to reduce stress in everyday life; 
  • you want to learn to rely on yourself, believe in yourself, regain motivation; 
  • you are looking for support in your self-improvement journey

How does it work?

  • Coaching sessions take place remotely or offline (in Rezekne, Latvia); 
  • Before the first coaching session, we meet in a free video call where you can get to know me better and decide whether I truly am the perfect coach for you (about 20 min); 
  • Duration of 1 session is 60 - 75 min; 
  • Number of sessions: I highly recommend at least 4 sessions (it takes time for our brain to create new neural connections), but not more than 10 sessions; 
  • Price: Find it here
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